Saturday 6 February 2016

Boxing Fights Prejudice!

What a wonderful news story this is!  This is all about how a group of women stood up to a bigoted group - and won!

Homophobic rape advocates cancel global meetings amid backlash

The Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club It was founded and is run by a woman I respect greatly, Savoy Howe.  The mission of The Toronto Newsgirls is to provide a safe and positive space for women and trans-people to explore the sport of boxing.  I was starting on an article on Savoy, her club and the inspiring membership when this much bigger story broke into the media worldwide.  This is the story of how a misogynistic group of men were forced to cancel events that shared their bigotry.

Savoy Howe
I love it!  There is nothing I like more than seeing the broad-minded and inclusive triumph over narrow-minded bigotry.  I have read that a top female tennis player can beat something like 95% of males.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the numbers for the sport of boxing were similar.  I’m actually kind of sorry this group chickened out.  It would have been a pleasure to see one of the experienced female boxers punch the prejudice right out of one of these men.

So I salute Savoy Howe and the other members of The Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club.  Thank you for fighting prejudice and helping to put bigotry in its right place!

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