Sunday 20 December 2015

Welcome to Female Boxing Now!

I look forward to sharing my love of boxing with you.  Although I have always been a boxing fan, in In recent years I have gained a much better appreciation for how boxing can make a difference in people's lives.  I have also become a big fan of women's boxing and want to see the sport grow.  This blog will cover all aspects of women's boxing, from boxing for fitness to amateur boxing to professional women's boxing from the past, in the present and into the future.

Why boxing?  Boxing has so much to offer.  Boxing is good for the body and the mind.  In short, boxing builds!

Why women's boxing?  More and more women are discovering boxing as a form of exercise and opportunities for women in boxing are improving.  But female boxing, particularly at the professional level, is under-appreciated, under-exposed and unfairly ignored by the media.  Finding a televised women's professional fight on TV is nearly impossible!  Well, there's not a lot I can do about that but at least I can help get the word out and support the women practicing the sweet science.

Boxing is empowering.  Remember...


  1. Nice blog rob! i look forward to reading more

    1. Thanks Sonja. What would you like to see in future articles in Female Boxing Now?

  2. I want to see more females professional boxers for sure.
