Wednesday 23 December 2015

Why I Promote Female Boxing

I want to articulate more clearly why I have created this blog to promote female boxing.  There are some very good reasons I support the sweet science!  I’ll put them in a list.  I like lists - they get to the points in a hurry!

From the health and wellness viewpoint:

  1. Boxing training is undeniably one of the best, if not the best, way to get fit.
  2. Boxing is empowering, building both strength and confidence.
  3. Boxing is satisfying - who doesn’t want the release of being able to beat the crap out of something on a regular basis?

From the viewpoints of fairness and equality for women

  1. Promoting sports such as boxing for women furthers the cause of breaking down stereotypes and outdated thinking with regard to women in sport.
  2. Widespread acceptance for women in sports such as professional boxing is lacking.
  3. Media exposure of women in sports such as professional boxing is lacking.
  4. There should be more opportunities for girls and women to take up boxing.
  5. There is inordinately small financial compensation for female athletes who want to make a living from professional boxing.
From the viewpoint of the audience for female sport
  1. Amateur and professional boxing is now practiced at a very high level by superb female athletes and many are simply not aware and do not know what they are missing!
So there is my list of reasons for creating this blog.  Actually, there is one more reason - I'm already a big fan of female boxing and enjoy spreading the word!

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